Hadijah Vanada, Licensed Acupuncturist


imageTo learn more about me, including my philosophy on health and healing please go to the "Contact Me" page and send me a message.  I am happy to respond to any of your questions or concerns prior to setting an appointment for a consultation.

I believe that there is a remedy for every sort of disorder under heaven, it just takes a spirit of inquiry and persistence to find the right remedy for each person.

Here are some recent testimonials followed by a list of the range of conditions I have had experience treating, and an interesting summary of the types of people I have had the privelege of treating over the last 25 years.  

Recent testimonials:


“Nothing short of a Miracle!”

What can I say, as a client, about receiving acupuncture treatment for the first time in my life from Hadijah Vanada?  Her empathy is secondary only to her skill as a practitioner. I have been a client of hers for about three years now, and I can say that my health has improved markedly.  I had been disabled since the year 2000 due to extreme pain from sciatica on both legs, low back and in my chest.  I had had a fusion operation on my lumbar 5 and S 1 vertebrae followed by great pain. I also had a special condition called Allodynia, nerve irritation all over my body, that gave me constant spasms.  I was so hypersensitive that clothing touching my skin caused pain. When I first went to Hadijah I could not bear to receive a hug from anyone. Injured first in 1988 in my occupation as a nurse, I have suffered profusely with every facet of pain.  After two years of treatment with Hadijah I no longer have that painful nerve/skin irritation (allodynia.) The dinner plate size spasm in my right low back is gone.

Now I visit every two weeks or as needed for maintenance treatment.  I drive an hour to get to the clinic.

Herbal medication obtained from Hadijah has helped my pain level significantly and enabled me to reduce my dependency on western pain medication. It is miraculous that I can now function in some of my daily activities….Nothing Short of a Miracle!  I now can enjoy some of my family’s activities that previously I was unable to participate in.

Thank you Hadijah…profusely.

Susan B., retired nurse


Testimonial for Hadijah Vanada, Acupuncturist”

“She helped me physically and emotionally”

If anyone ever deserved the best in life, it would be you!  Thanks for everything. 

Hadijah is a very important person in my life.  She has helped me physically and emotionally.  I was in such excruciating pain with an arthritic cyst between my Cervical 5 and 6 vertebrae.  With her care I was able to understand how acupuncture would help me.  Hadijah has taken away the inflammation on my nerves. She has given my mobility back. I now have my days and nights free of pain.  After the 4th treatment on my neck, the excruciating pain was gone, never to return.!  She is such an incredible person and has become an essential part of my life.

Katie,   from the local neighborhood


“I can’t imagine going to anyone else”

I feel so lucky that my husband and I found Hadijah through a friend of ours.  In addition to being a talented and intuitive acupuncturist, she is a wonderful caring person who puts so much of herself into every visit.  We have come to consider her as a very good friend of our family.  I had been dealing with chronic stress issues for a couple of years that were getting worse instead of better.  My treatments with Hadija were the first turning point from the stress problems.  She carefully plans each treatment after talking to me at the start of our visit.  I also appreciate the education she offers each time about the points she is working with and how the treatment should impact my energy.  I would recommend Hadijah to anyone looking to try acupuncture or looking for someone with experience who can create specialized treatment for complex issues.  After working with Hadija, I can’t imagine going to anyone else.

Kristina S.


“Made a great difference in my health and life”

Hadijah has been not only a wonderful acupuncturist, but also a role model for me.  Her calm demeanor and comforting presence certainly adds to the great work she does.  I began coming to Hadijah three years ago upon entering college.  I struggled with what I termed”spaciness” which was a feeling of being out of it and foggy.  Hadijah helped me get my body to a more stable and comfortable place.  I am now much more comfortable and able to take care of myself better.  I still see her for general wellness, and it has made a great difference in my health and life.

Mackenzie M. Syracuse Univ. student


"wonderful practitioner"

Hadijah Vanada is a wonderful practitioner. I came to her after a year of physical therapy and chiropractic therapy for a serious lower back injury. The acupuncture therapy worked wonders. I felt noticeably better after a few weeks and much better after a few months. The acupuncture was accompanied by Chinese herbals and massage therapy that were quite effective. Also effective were good conversation and some healthy and challenging philosophy! I found Hadijah Vanada to be forthright about her course of action, and gentle but determined in her applications. She helped me to relax with my problem and then to overcome it. I highly recommend her for acupuncture therapy!”

Thanks so much for your help! I hope you are doing well! 

Emanuel  C,  Syracuse Univ. Professor


Experienced with the  following range of conditions:

pain management, acute and chronic, post concussion syndrome, traumatic brain injury,common ailments such as colds, coughs, flu, allergies, viruses, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, recalcitrant bronchitis, post pneumonia recovery, debility from infections,urinary tract infection, weak immunity, endocrine imbalances, digestion problems,stress reduction, behavioral problems including anxiety, depression, acute and chronic post trauma stress disorder ,poor concentration, mental focus, clarity of mind, academic performancewomen's health over the lifespan including fertility, menstrual problems, uterine bleeding, menopause, fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome,hormonal imbalances, emotional volatility, depression & irritability related to the hormonal cycle, post partum depression,blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardio vascular conditions,sports injuries, personal injuries from accidents and work, martial arts performance conditioning, sprain/strain recovery,addiction,insomnia, narcolepsy & sleep apnea,recovery from various types of surgeryvision problems, eye tearing, eye allergies, glaucoma.diarrhea, constipation, urinary frequency, urinary retention, elimination problems, incontinence, dribblling, hemorrhoid,dehydration',kidney stones, gallstone.degenerative conditions, arthritis, herniation syndromes, pain in back, neck, limbs, headache, torso,psychotic & neurotic states,fatigue, neurastheniainflammation resolution, repetitive strain injuries, muscle sprain/strain, whiplash injuries,auto immune problems, fibromyalgiia. irritable bowel syndrome & crohn's disease, scleroderma, reyna;s syndrome, palliative care for temrinally ill.

I generally refer people with cancer and prostate problems to acupuncturists who specialize in these conditions.


What sort of people have I served?…......A Winding Road of  'We are the World.'image

 My patients have included people from many walks of life such as:

teachers, school administrators, social workers, university professors, psychologists, nurses, doctors, medical research professionals, business managers, accountants, scientists, artists, food market vendors, mechanics, osteopaths, maintenance workers, medical transcriptionists,  grant writers, IT professionals, musicians, traditional healers, bakers, flight attendants, physician assistants, restaurant workers, spiritual teachers, bankers, music producers, real estate agents, lawyers, small business entrepreneurs, nursing assistants, a stone-cutter,multi-generations in families, athletes,women with abuse histories, overwhelmed single parents, couples going through separation crisis,Vietnamese taxi drivers & their families in Honolulu, martial artists, active elderly, computer engineers,veterans, one Buddhist monk, several Imams, an Amish community in Wisconsin, students of all ages,drug addicts,alcoholics, prostitutes, ex cons, prison inmate in half way house, garbage truck crew, jazz musicians, reggae artists, other acupuncturists, midwives, massage therapists,physical therapists, pregnantwomen, couples seeking fertility treatment, farmers, undocumented agricultural workers, university students, K-12 students and teachers, social workers, and people from various ethnic groups from most of the world's continents and from all the world's great religions.


Some Brief Personal Information: 

I grew up in Central Pennsylvania in the Allegheny Mountains, attended university there at Juniata College. I did not leave until I joined

the Peace Corps in the mid-1960's.  Before I became an acupuncturist I was a drama student, a civil rights activist, a

Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand, an ESL teacher, an International Student Advisor at Penn State University, a teacher

of refugees from SE Asia in New Zealand, and an inveterate traveller taking my family away from the US for more than a decade to

West Africa, New Zealand, & Hawaii.  We returned to the US mainland for their higher education. I have three sons, one

daughter, 5 grandchildren and 1 great grandson.  I came to live in Syracuse because my grandchildren have been born here.

My expectation is that I will practice acupuncture the rest of my life and will not retire from this vocation.


How and Why did I discover acupuncture & oriental medicine?

I found acupuncture as a vocation as a result of needing healing myself after returning from West Africa with numerous

health problems that were unresponsive to western medicine.